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We reference the Turkish Constitution, not “religious” ideas that support women's subordination and gender inequality.

By 28 Kasım 2014No Comments

Women And Men Have Equal Rights!*

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan once again publicly expressed his belief that women and men cannot be equal, which he had first expressed in July 2010 while prime minister. With this statement, the Turkish president has violated all international conventions, agreements and declarations about gender equality, including CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention, to which Turkey is signatory. Article 10 of the Turkish Constitution states that “Men and women have equal rights. It is the responsibility of the Turkish State to realize this equality.” Thus, president Erdogan’s statement is also a clear breach of the Turkish Constitution.


Women And Men Have Equal Rights!*

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan once again publicly expressed his belief that women and men cannot be equal, which he had first expressed in July 2010 while prime minister. With this statement, the Turkish president has violated all international conventions, agreements and declarations about gender equality, including CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention, to which Turkey is signatory. Article 10 of the Turkish Constitution states that “Men and women have equal rights. It is the responsibility of the Turkish State to realize this equality.” Thus, president Erdogan’s statement is also a clear breach of the Turkish Constitution.

The Global Gender Gap Report of the World Economic Forum (WEF) ranks Turkey 125th among 142 countries, and demonstrates the significant inequality between men and women in political, economic and social life. President Erdogan’s statement, nevertheless makes it clear that the Turkish government does not have the will to realize gender equality in Turkey despite the urgency underlined in many international and regional conventions.  

President Erdogan’s statement aims to undermine the progress in the legal sphere achieved by the women’s movement in Turkey over many decades. It is also in breach of the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action, as well as Beijing +5, Beijing +10, Beijing +15 declarations and all related UN CSW agreements.

As we mark the International Day for the Struggle to end Violence Against Women, three women are murdered every day in Turkey. We witness that top elected officials’ rejection of equality is among the reasons for the 1400 %  increase in violence against women. We remind the government that without full gender equality, there will be no justice at all in Turkey or anywhere else. 

We, the signatories of this declaration, will not compromise on equality. Equality is not a bargaining chip, but a democratic and universal human right. We do not accept an approach that is designed to erode the rights that women have gained through many struggles.  


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*Original Turkish text published on November 26, 2014 in the daily newspaper Hurriyet.

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