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Women solidarity beyond language barriers

By 28 Nisan 2014No Comments

On Friday, 7th of February we held the first transnational Mor Çatı friends meeting in which 7 women participated in Mor Çatı Women Solidarity Center. Most women who are coming from different corners of the world and speaking various languages, except for Turkish, contact with Mor Çatı to become a volunteer or an intern for Mor Çatı. Communication plays a very important key role to be involved in an organization. Therefore, we came together and chose English as a common language.


On Friday, 7th of February we held the first transnational Mor Çatı friends meeting in which 7 women participated in Mor Çatı Women Solidarity Center. Most women who are coming from different corners of the world and speaking various languages, except for Turkish, contact with Mor Çatı to become a volunteer or an intern for Mor Çatı. Communication plays a very important key role to be involved in an organization. Therefore, we came together and chose English as a common language.

Firstly, we talked about how we could be engaged in feminist politics and consolidate one another on our network of solidarity while struggling against domestic violence.

Especially as young women coming from Europe, we suppose that we need special aid in Turkey due to cultural racist media. After assessing our casual lives, we notice that patriarchy and male domination prevail on the world. As women who have experiences of womanhood in Germany, France, Finland or Brazil, we face that our freedom is tried to be suspended – to share this kind of experiences arises my consciousness.

Even though being active in our mailing network, solidarity center or women shelter might be hard if there is a language barrier, we have found creative alternatives of solidarity – like giving English classes or translating transnational calls or petitions into different languages.

Big thanks to everybody!

Long lives women solidarity.


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